Tuesday 3 March 2009

Loads of stuff doing the rounds right now so let's dip into the B365 online postbag and see what's bubbling up!

First up there's a fascinating interview with Immerse Records' very own Kidkut on a great blog called Sonic Router. Kidkut has been hard at work releasing some incredible music on Immerse for some time now, but it still feels like his label gets slept on. BIG mistake - Immerse is leaps and bounds ahead of most labels in the same age bracket. There's also an exclusive mix for download too.

READ : Sonic Router's Interview with Kidkut

Speaking of blogs B365 favourite Wascal has set up his own, a dedicated place to download his new mixes and also the odd free MP3 too. Keep an eye on this character as there's big things on the horizon for him.

CHECK : Wascal Blog

Andy Council, who we featured on this here blog not so long ago, has set up an online shop for you to purchase his goodies. Support your local artists! Get on to the site and choose from a range of prints to spruce up even the most minging of homes.

CHECK : Andy Council Online Shop

Punch Drunk has now released Gudio's insane new record, the magnificent Orchestral Lab backed up with Way You Make Me Feel. Two essential tracks right there making it an essential purchase all round.

BUY : Guido - Orchestral Lab 12"

Get yourself down to Cosies on Thursday for Rogue's night Antidote featuring a bonafide living legend in Peter D Rose of Smith & Mighty fame. Details:

Antidote is proud to present..

PETER D ROSE (More rockers/smith n mighty)

DJ ROGUE (Antidote/vertebrae/deadcalmmusic)


DJ ZE (resident rocksteady specialist)
2 quid on the door.

Thursday 5th march @ Cosies wine bar, 34 portland square.

Another month, and another gigantic Sh*t the Bed line-up courtesy of The Blast. This is apparently the last one for a while, presumably to give the other promoters in Bristol a breather trying to compete - this one like the remainder before it will undoubtedly be a roadblock.

If you'd prefer some techno goodness instead then check out the Bristol debut of rising star Sven Weisemann at Tube courtesy of Underscore and Tape. Sure to be a sweatbox session.